Giacomo S.

Marketing · Junior

Fano, Italia · Disponibile subito

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Giacomo S. headshot
Obiettivi Professionali

I am passionate about marketing, communication, and market innovation as stated in my final thesis (Market Innovation: Exploring retail market trends, artificial intelligence and flagship stores.)
During my studies, I delved into topics such as Lenguages (in High School) and the creation and dissemination of multimedia content, the planning and analysis of marketing strategies and campaigns in University, putting theory into practice with projects for Lavazza and Innocent Drinks.
Additionally, I had the opportunity to spend a year studying abroad at Horton High School in Canada, where I was able to broaden my knowledge and skills in an international context,
In my professional career, I aim to specialize and establish myself in the field of marketing, motivated by the prospect of actively participating in the evolution of the industry, contributing with innovative ideas and creative solutions.

IULM - Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione
Livello: Bachelor Degree - Laurea Triennale

2020 - 2024


Bachelor Degree in Corporate Communication and Public Relations. Course of study aimed at acquiring skills in the field of Corporate Communication and Public Relations, entirely conducted in English. I delved into various topics from the creation and dissemination of multimedia content to the planning and analysis of marketing strategies and campaigns, to the world of market innovation which appassionate me and inspired to conduct the final thesis.
Among the exams I deepened the most:
-Corporate Communication
-Retail Market Innovation

Thesis: Market Innovation: Exploring retail market trends, artificial intelligence and flagship stores.
Liceo Lingustico
Livello: Diploma di Liceo Linguistico

2015 - 2020


Course of study of 5 years aimed at acquiring skills in the Linguistics sector.
Among the subjects I have deepened the most:

Horton High School

2018 - 2019


Exchange year in Horton High School (Nova Scotia, Canada).
During this experience I’ve been able to expand my knowledge in an international context, improve my proficiency in English and French, and gain greater flexibility and autonomy.
Among the subjects I deepened the most:
-Communications Technology

A2 - Elementare


A2 - Elementare


B1 - Intermedio


C1 - Fluente


C2 - Madrelingua

Competenze lavorative

Canva, Word, Pacchetto Office, Public Speaking, PowerPoint, CRM, Marketing Comunication

Altre competenze

Teamwork, Problem Soving, Empathy, Transparency, Honesty

Competenze che vorrei imparare o migliorare

Sales, CRM Sales Force, KPI, Marketing Comunication, Digital Marketing, Digital Advertising