Simone L.

Italia · Disponibile subito

Python | 5 altre...

Obiettivi Professionali

During my academic career I had the opportunity to delve into the following sectors Machine learning, Applied Statistics, Mathematics, Programming.
I am looking for an opportunity that will allow me to continue my professional path in the field of Machine learning, in order to grow as an individual and as a professional.
The main skills that characterize me are: Python / R/ C++

Politecnico di Milano
Livello: Master degree


Percorso di studio finalizzato all’acquisizione di competenze di base nel settore Mathematical engineering Statistical Learning
Tra gli esami principali che ho svolto vi sono: 
  • Applied Statistics
  • Bayesian statistics
  • Machine learning
  • Algorithms and parallel computing
Politecnico di Milano
Livello: Bachelor's degree Mathematical engineering


Most important exams
  • Numerical mathematical methods
  • Statistic
  • Partial and differential equations

C2 - Madrelingua


B2 - Intermedio avanzato

Competenze lavorative

Python, Machine Learning, R, Pacchetto Office, C++, Heroku

Competenze che vorrei imparare o migliorare

Deep Learning, Cloud, DevOps

Altre informazioni

Cinema,Basket,Tecnologia,Diritti civili