Valerio T.

DevOps · Con esperienza

· Disponibile in 120 giorni

Information Technology | Kubernetes | 15 altre...

Obiettivi Professionali

Motivated and experienced DevOps Engineer with over three years of experience, helping companies to meet and exceed  projected expectations, the new challenges push me to grow professionally.

in Remote

04/2022 - in corso


  • Responsible for different type of releases (WebApp-Mobile-Firmware) on various environments (DEV-QA-PROD) ensuring correct deployments.
  • Automated server provisioning and configuration management (Ansible) , resulting in faster deployment and easier maintenance.
  • Developed a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline that improved system reliability and uptime, automated the deployment process for different type of applications.
  • Implemented security measures (DevSecOps) to analyze the source code to detect any security flaws. (Kiuwan)
  • Responsible for maintaining and creating new resources on different cloud providers (Azure/AWS).
  • Worked on container applications build via Docker and releasing on serverless Kubernetes based services (AzureContainerApps).

Softwave Soluzioni & Tecnologie
in Remote

01/2021 - 03/2022


  • Configured and managed Kubernetes clusters to ensure high availability and scalability of applications.
  • Worked on large cloud migration projects for several lead clients (Enel-X, Vodafone).
  • Maintaining CI/CD pipelines, configuring them for correct application use.
  • Creation of Cloud infrastructure through CloudFormation. (IaC)
  • Implemented security measures (DevSecOps) to analyze the source code to detect any security flaws. (Sonarqube).

Bachelor of Computer Science, Cagliari

2017 - 2020


  • Strong foundations in data structures (linked lists, graphs) and algorithms.
  • In-depth study and application of several programming paradigms: object-oriented (Java, C#,Python),imperative (C) and functional (OCaml)
  • Knowledge of backend Frameworks (Django, Flask)
  • Knowledge of front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Foundations of statistics, probability theory, linear algebra and calculus.
  • Knowledge of database modeling and queries in SQL-like language.


B2 - Intermedio avanzato


C2 - Madrelingua

Competenze lavorative

Kubernetes, Docker, GIT, Linux, AWS, Azure, CI/CD, Terraform, Bash, GitOps, Grafana, Prometheus, ArgoCD, Python, Database

Settori lavorativi

Information Technology, Informatica