Rocco Francesco Tamborrini

Brand Ambassador,...

I am a Brand Ambassador and Product and Sales Trainer with 15 years of experience...

Competenze: Public Speaking, Sales, negotiation process, Time Management,...

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mensile: EUR 28,5K

Rocco Francesco Tamborrini headshot

Yuriy Zhuravlyov

Tin welder.

Sono un Tin welder con 7 anni di esperienza in aziende nel settore automotive,...

Competenze: Manage production processes.,Logistics management.,Problem...

disponibile in: 7 Giorni

mensile: EUR 15K

Yuriy Zhuravlyov headshot

Antonio Schipani

Sviluppatore Web (tirocinio)

Sono un aspirante sviluppatore Full Stack con solide competenze in tecnologie come...

Competenze: Java, Html, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, React JS, NodeJS, Mongodb,...

disponibile in: 10 Giorni

Stefano Binotto

Machine Learning ...

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mensile: EUR 35K

Sarah B.


I'm always looking for ways to express myself. In this life, I want to help and...

Competenze: Creative Writing, Photography, Storytelling, Pacchetto Office,...

Disponibile ora

mensile: EUR 24

Sarah Bulhões headshot

Rachele T.


Sono un'aspirante professionista nel settore moda e pelletteria, diplomata con il...

Competenze: Clo3D,Adobe Illustrator,Procreate,Competenze Informatiche

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Rachele Tiesi headshot

Arianna Zawadi Ceccarello

Content curation

I want to create a career path that allows me to adopt my creative problem-solving...

Competenze: Analytical Skills, Computer Skills, Management Skills, Language...

Disponibile ora

mensile: EUR 30K

Arianna Zawadi Ceccarello headshot

Gabriele Salvatore V.

Software Developm...

Durante il mio percorso accademico ho avuto la possibilità di approfondire i...

Competenze: Nessuna esperienza lavoratoriva

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Giovanni Paolo Caldarini

Junior Cybersecurity Specialist

During my academic career, I had the opportunity to study the following areas in...

Competenze: CSS, Java, Javascript, SQL, PowerPoint, Word, Mysql, Pacchetto...

disponibile in: 4 Giorni

mensile: EUR 30K

Giovanni Paolo Caldarini headshot

Mostafa H.

Addetto Gestione ...

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Mostafa Hamdin headshot